→ The Novant Blog

What's New — Jan 2022


See what's new since we last checked in!

Test Mode, Grafana, SkySpark, Read-only API keys, Discovery, Templates, Bacnet, Haystack, Trending, Knowledge Base and UI Improvements, LED Diagnostics, I/O Backup

Test Mode

We capped off 2021 with one of our most exciting features: Test Mode

Test Mode lets you fully simulate how real devices work, using all the standard UI tooling and features, including full API support. Its a great way to evaluate our platform, test out the API, or build and test your integration.

Email us to get started using Test Mode for free!


2021 also included our latest integration: Grafana

Grafana is one of the most popular visualization platforms, and now includes first-class support for Novant. Head over to GitHub to learn more.


The novantExt for SkySpark also got a big update in December. It's been updated to 3.1 and includes a new overhauled sync engine to optimize trend syncs, better support for adding and removing points, and support for choosing the sync interval (1min, 5min, or 15min)

Read-only API keys

API keys can now be toggled between read/write and read-only. Read-only keys are unable to make any modifications to the building control system.


The Device Trends page now filters trend data by I/O source to make it easier to find specific points. The table columns now include the point_id as well.

New API arguments: start_time and end_time to filter out a subset of a day, and source_ids to filter points by the parent I/O source.


To reflect its growing feature set, the Device Discovery tab now gets top level billing alongside I/O and Trends. You can now download the entire set of discovery results as a zip file.


Alongside enhancements for routed Bacnet devices and Haystack, you can now upload completely pre-configured I/O sources. Download your discovery results in bulk, process out of band and re-upload to configure your trends.

I/O Backup

Backup part or all of your I/O application using the Download action. This is the first step in a boarder suite of tools for working with multiple devices and applications.


You can now specify port number and device ID when performing a Single source discovery for Bacnet devices.


Haystack enhancements to optimize read performance and improve discovery results.

Knowledge Base

The Knowledge Base picks up a new table of contents sidebar to improve documentation discovery and scanning. Lots of updates across all the Help Topics.

UI Improvements

Lots of continuing improvements in UX, such as fixed columns and headers in tables, more batch selection, better context help popups, and streamlining common actions.

LED Network Diagnostics

To simplify working with IT on connectivity issues, the latest firmware contains new LED behavior to indicate if devices have obtained an IP address and can reach the Novant Cloud.

Get in touch today to learn more about Novant's digital foundation and how to modernize your smart building.

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