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What's New — Nov 2021


See what's new since we last checked in!

Fine Grain Discovery

You can now discover sources only or a specific IP address. This is great for large buildings or just to explore. Get results in a fraction of the time when you don't need every point detail just yet!

Human Readable Error Codes

As part of our crusade to make data connectivity easier — we're introducing Human Readable Error Codes:

No more cryptic stack traces. We spend all day making sure your data is flowing. So when it's not — we probably know why — and now we'll do our best to make it easy to fix! We even add a button to email us directly: for this error, on this device, on this point. You have better things todo than chase down I/O errors!

Auto Geolocation

Gateways now automatically indicate their approximate geolocation based on the reported IP address. Quickly see which city, state, or country your device is in!

More Sample Code

The Show API action on the Trends page now shows code samples for several popular programming languages, with more on the way. Another way we make it easy to get access to your data.

API Tweaks

The /v1/ping API now makes the device_id argument optional. This allows you to use ping as a general purpose health check for the overall Novant API.

Coming Soon 🤫

We've been hard at work on all kinds of great stuff, including a feature in particular we think you'll love. Stay tuned. 😉

Get in touch today to learn more about Novant's digital foundation and how to modernize your smart building.

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