→ The Novant Blog

What's New — Mar 2021


See what's new since we last checked in!

Live and Writable Points

Novant now supports live data feeds of your buildings — and write back support for advanced supervisory control and other applications. Available through the REST API or 3rd Party Integrations.

Facilio Integration

We're excited to announce our newest integration — Facilio!

Bacnet Discovery

We've made a number of improvements to Bacnet/IP discovery, including better device identification and unit discovery.

MAC Address

Devices now report their MAC address on all pages to simplify identifying on networks or to specify for DHCP reservations.

Haystack Coming Soon!

We're hard at work adding our next protocol — Haystack. If you'd like to help us beta test — get in touch!

Get in touch today to learn more about Novant's digital foundation and how to modernize your smart building.

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